Cov txheej txheem:

Kuv yuav encrypt ib kem hauv Excel li cas?
Kuv yuav encrypt ib kem hauv Excel li cas?

Video: Kuv yuav encrypt ib kem hauv Excel li cas?

Video: Kuv yuav encrypt ib kem hauv Excel li cas?
Video: Data Science with Python! Analyzing File Types from Avro to Stata 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Koj tuaj yeem tiv thaiv ib daim ntawv los ntawm kev siv tus password los pab tiv thaiv kev nkag tsis tau

  1. Nyem qhov File tab.
  2. Nyem Cov Ntaub Ntawv.
  3. Nyem Tiv Thaiv Cov Ntaub Ntawv, thiab tom qab ntawd nyem Nkag mus nrog Password.
  4. Hauv Nkag mus Document box, ntaus tus password, thiab tom qab ntawd nyem OK.
  5. Hauv lub thawv Confirm Password, ntaus tus password dua, thiab tom qab ntawd nyem OK.

Tsis tas li, kuv yuav ua li cas tus password tiv thaiv ib kab hauv Excel?

Xauv cov hlwb los tiv thaiv lawv

  1. Xaiv cov hlwb uas koj xav kaw.
  2. Ntawm Lub Tsev tab, hauv pawg Alignment, nyem lub xub me kom qhib lub qhov rai Format Cells popup.
  3. Ntawm Kev Tiv Thaiv tab, xaiv lub thawv Xauv, thiab tom qab ntawd nyem OK kom kaw qhov popup.

Ib yam li ntawd, Excel encryption ruaj ntseg li cas? Tam sim no encryption ntawm excel cov ntaub ntawv (yuav tsum muaj tus password qhib) yog qhov zoo nkauj. Txawm li cas los xij, tus password encrypted cov ntaub ntawv tuaj yeem luam tau yooj yim thiab tsis muaj kev txwv tsis pub muaj zog (raws li tau sau tseg los ntawm Shizzle2889), uas txhais tau tias nws yooj yim txaus kom muaj lub network ntawm cov tshuab sim brute-force tus yuam sij qhib.

Nyob rau hauv no hais txog, koj yuav encrypt ib tug spreadsheet li cas?

Tiv thaiv cov ntaub ntawv Excel

  1. Xaiv Cov Ntaub Ntawv> Cov Ntaub Ntawv.
  2. Xaiv lub thawv Protect Workbook thiab xaiv Encrypt nrog Password.
  3. Sau tus password rau hauv lub thawv Password, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv OK.
  4. Txheeb xyuas tus password hauv Reenter Password box, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv OK.

Yuav ua li cas decryption hauv Excel?

Qhib lub excel nrog rau tus password sib txawv. Ib zaug ntxiv mus rau FILE (Ntawv qhia zaub mov)> INFO (xaiv)> Tiv thaiv Workbook (tab)> Nkag mus nrog lo lus zais (hauv ncoo). Tam sim no, tshem tus password uas twb muaj lawm thiab nias 'OK'. Rov hais dua qhov qub los ntawm kev tshem tus password dua kom ua tiav qhov decryption.

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