Dab tsi yog Red Gate hauv SQL Server?
Dab tsi yog Red Gate hauv SQL Server?

Video: Dab tsi yog Red Gate hauv SQL Server?

Video: Dab tsi yog Red Gate hauv SQL Server?
Video: Data Science with Python! Analyzing File Types from Avro to Stata 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Redgate Software yog lub tuam txhab software nyob hauv Cambridge, England. Nws tsim cov cuab yeej rau cov neeg tsim khoom thiab cov kws tshaj lij cov ntaub ntawv thiab tswj xyuas cov vev xaib hauv zej zog xws li SQL Server Central thiab Yooj Yim Tham. Redgate tsim tshwj xeeb database tswj cov cuab yeej rau Microsoft SQL Server , Oracle, MySQL thiab Microsoft Azure.

Kuj kom paub yog, SQL Toolbelt yog dab tsi?

Redgate cov SQL Toolbelt muaj cov khoom lag luam-tus qauv rau SQL ntawv Kev txhim kho server, xa tawm, thaub qab, thiab saib xyuas. Ua ke, lawv ua rau koj ua tau zoo, koj pab neeg ua haujlwm nrawm, thiab koj cov ntaub ntawv muaj kev nyab xeeb.

Tom qab ntawd, lo lus nug yog, SQL Monitor ua dab tsi? SQL Saib yog a SQL ntawv Server saib xyuas cuab yeej pab pab pawg saib xyuas SQL ntawv Cov cuab yeej servers yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam ntau dua. Tsis yog xwb ua SQL Monitor ceeb toom koj txog cov teeb meem tam sim no, nws muab cov ntaub ntawv koj xav tau kom tsis txhob tshwm sim yav tom ntej.

Ib yam li ntawd, yog Redgate SQL tshawb nrhiav dawb?

Redgate SQL Nrhiav yog a dawb extension rau Visual Studio kom sai nrhiav rau fragments SQL ntawv hla cov databases, thiab yooj yim mus rau cov khoom ntawd.

Yuav ua li cas kuv piv ob SQL scripts?

A: Yog. ApexSQL Sib piv muaj kev koom ua ke rau SSMS thiab Visual Studio, yog li koj tuaj yeem nyem rau ntawm ib qho SQL ntawv Object hauv Object Explorer, xaiv qhov Sib piv cov ntawv nyob rau hauv txoj cai-nias lub ntsiab lus teb ntawv qhia zaub mov, ces Teem raws li sab laug / txoj cai, thiab tus Tshiab kev sib piv cov lus nug qhov rai yuav tshwm.

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