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Vault cache qhov chaw yog dab tsi?
Vault cache qhov chaw yog dab tsi?

Video: Vault cache qhov chaw yog dab tsi?

Video: Vault cache qhov chaw yog dab tsi?
Video: Fallout 4: How to Get The Cryolator In Vault 111 Early! | Easy No Lock Picking Needed! 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Los ntawm lub neej ntawd, Vault Cache cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia hauv qab no qhov chaw : %USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplicationDataKVSEnterprise Vault

Hais txog qhov no, Vault cache yog dab tsi?

A Vault Cache yog ib daim ntawv luam hauv zos ntawm tus neeg siv'sEnterprise Vault khaws cia. Cov Vault Cache yog khaws cia ntawm tus neeg siv lub computer los ntawm Enterprise Vault Outlook Ntxiv-hauv. Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm Vault Cache yog li nram no: Nws ua Virtual Vault muaj rau cov neeg siv, yog tias koj xaiv los qhib Virtual Vault.

Kuj Paub, yuav ua li cas kuv yuav uninstall epic game launcher? 1) Los ntawm koj lub tsev tshawb nrhiav bar, qhib qhov "Ntxiv lossis Tshem tawm Programs" nplooj. 2) Nrhiav lub Epic GamesLauncher , thiab nias " tshem tawm ” Ib qho ntawm ob yam yuav tshwm sim. Lub app yuav tag nrho tshem tawm , thiab koj ua tau zoo.

Ib yam li ntawd, kuv yuav ua li cas txav fortnite mus rau lwm lub tsav?

Yuav Ua Li Cas Hloov Fortnite mus rau Lwm Cov Ntaub Ntawv, Tsav Tsheb, lossis PC

  1. Uninstall Fortnite.
  2. Pib Txhim Kho Fortnite mus rau Qhov Chaw Tshiab.
  3. Ncua lub Download thiab kaw lub Launcher.
  4. Txav koj Fortnite thaub qab mus rau qhov chaw rub tawm tshiab.
  5. Pib dua lub Launcher thiab txuas ntxiv kev teeb tsa.

Muaj pes tsawg GB yog fortnite?

Thaum cov txheej txheem yog ncaj nraim txaus, kiv cua muaj muaj teeb meem thaum nws los txog rau tiag downloading theapp. Tias yog vim li cas Fortnite Mobile Battle Royaledownload hnyav ntawm qhov hnyav 2GB (nws yog 1.98 GB ntawm iPhone 7 Plus).

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